Handyman Business Insurance Brokers
Or call us on 1300 859 381
Business Insurance Brokers for your Handyman Insurance Quote
Firstly, we specialise in providing multiple, fast and cost-effective Handyman insurance quotes Australia wide. Whether you perform maintenance work, landscaping, or just general home repairs. We can find a policy that fits all of your needs. We have a wide range of Australian small business insurers that offer Public Liability Insurance quotes. In order so that you can choose the insurer that best suits your business.
Get yourself a handyman insurance quote today, just enter your details below, or call us now on 1300 859 381.
Why insure your business with a broker?
As insurance brokers, our job is to help you find the best cover for you and your business, as well as handling your claims. We also compare the market every year to ensure you still have the best cover at the best price.
Fortune has experience dealing with insurance risks large and small, in just about every industry. We have access to over 200 Australian underwriters and insurers, and offer multiple quotes. In addition we also offer monthly payment options.
What do I need to know about Handyman Insurance
There are a range of different situations that could result in a Public Liability insurance claim on a Handyman policy. We have included a few examples below to give you a better idea of what is typically covered under a Handyman Public Liability Insurance policy. As this is a complimentary service, to give you a better idea of of what to watch out for in your industry, this is subject to the below General Advice Warning.
This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is suitable for you and your personal circumstances. (If relevant: Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement).
– For example handyman is performing work in someone’s home. While working they accidentally drop a tool that cracks a tile.
– Another example could be handyman is helping to carry a television into someone’s home. while walking through a doorway the TV slips out of their hands. The TV falls on the floor and breaks.
– A handyman is performing maintenance work in a building. While walking through an office they knock an expensive vase off a shelf, causing it to break.
What Insurance Products do Handymen generally claim on
Generally, the most claimed on insurance products for the Handyman industry are Workers Compensation, and Public Liability Insurance. Additionally, there are also a noticeable amount of claims resulting from crime.
Firstly, like in most trades, there is a risk of personal injury or third-party injury on site. As expected, this risk scales proportionally with the scale of the project being undertaken. Furthermore, the highest exposure is on large projects where a sole trader is working as a subcontractor. Equally important, most claims arise from performance of hot work, smoking, vicarious liability to subcontractors and unauthorised access. Likewise, good risk management procedures are essential to minimise these risks.
Secondly, the nature of work carried out means that the exposure for a Workers Compensation claim is significant. Additionally, there is risk of falls from ladders or scaffold, falling objects, burns from heat works, etc.
Thirdly, there is a significant crime risk for this industry. Typically, these claims arise from theft of materials and equipment, power tools vehicles unguarded job sites.
If you are interested in learning about how to remain safe while at work, please click here. The link will take you to WorkSafe Queensland and provides additional information regarding staying safe at work. The article also gives more information regarding what you will need to be insured for under your handyman insurance.